Friday, September 18, 2009

And he is all boy...

That's right. I had my ultrasound yesterday and he assured us he IS a boy!! I am so excited. I was a little sad for about a millisecond, but I am going to have 2 beautiful, wonderful little boys and I am ecstatic! So now I just have to wait I am not a fan of waiting! :( 24 more weeks to go!
But I do have a belly by now. It is funny being pregnant. Sometimes you feel like you have every symptom, and other times you feel like nothing at all. Last week I felt sick and tired and mondo belly, and this week I have energy, I'm not starving, and I am ready for anything. This is so weird!
Berni is excited I think. He was worried about how I would feel. (I was hoping for a girl to even things out, but I am happy. I will just be outnumbered). I showed him the Ultrasound pictures and he had no idea what to think of them. He is happy though. ME too!!